Turismo, born from the passion of seasoned auto enthusiasts, is the creation of founders who, in their former private pursuits, immersed themselves in the world of acquiring and collecting high-end European vehicles. Today, their energy has transformed Turismo into a premier boutique dealership, dedicated to the art of buying, selling, trading and consigning luxury European automobiles. Turismo’s business model is centered on eliminating traditional automotive bureaucracy, offering an experience that aligns with what car buying should truly be: satisfying and rewarding. From ownership to master technicians, every member of the Turismo team contributes a unique and innovative perspective in advancing the company’s mission.

Turismo would be delighted to share more about our disciplined, transparent approach that sets us apart. Reach out for further details or sign up to receive updates.

Thank you for your interest in Turismo!

Brian T. Kust - Founder, and the entire Turismo Team


PHONE / TEXT: 303.823.4883

EMAIL: turismo@turismocar.com


Turismo Auto Group 6000 E Evans Avenue, Denver, CO 80222


Call, text or email for details.

Note: TEST DRIVES / IN-PERSON CLOSINGS: Determined in conjunction with your Turismo Concierge.


Please contact us to schedule an appointment or to have an initial conversation with the Team. For security purposes, please contact us either by phone or text in advance of seeing a vehicle in person as our inventory vehicles are housed within our nearby indoor location.

  • Mon: By Appointment

  • Tues: By Appointment

  • Wed: By Appointment

  • Thurs: By Appointment

  • Fri: By Appointment

  • Sat: By Appointment

  • Sun: Closed